Whats Murthas Plan?
Monday, June 26, 2006
Time : 9:19 AM
Time : 9:19 AM
Had Enough? Have You?
Friday, June 23, 2006
Time : 10:47 AM
Time : 10:47 AM
Net Nuetrality
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Time : 4:45 PM
Time : 4:45 PM
From Mad Magazine
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Time : 6:30 AM
Time : 6:30 AM
Courtesy of My friend at Poetic Justice
Troops in WWI were defended by foxholes...
...troops in Iraq are defended by Fox News.
The Korean War was caused by post-WWII instability...
...the war in Iraq was caused by post-9/11 gullibility.
During the Revolutionary War, a young woman named Molly becuse famous for her pitcher...
...during the Iraq War, a dumb woman named Lynndie because famous for her pictures.
During Vietnam, draft-dodgers abruptly fled the country...
...during Iraq, draft-dodgers corruptly led the country.
In WWII, the liberation of Paris caused songs and revelry...
...in Iraq, the liberation of Baghdad caused bombs and rivalry.
During WWII, the Reich blamed their problems on the Jews...
...during Iraq, the right blames their problems on the news.
A great image of the Revolutionary War is of Washington on a boat, courageously crossing the Delaware...
...a grating image of the Iraq War is of Bush on a boat, outrageously lost and unaware.
During the Gulf War, the Patriot missile was used to repel our enemies...
...during the Iraq War, the Patriot Act is used to repeal our liberties.
Hot Smack, Get your Hot Smack!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Time : 9:55 PM
Time : 9:55 PM
"I have a good feeling..."
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Time : 8:33 AM
Time : 8:33 AM
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Time : 10:03 PM
Time : 10:03 PM
I just just saw Al Gore on larry King Live... Wow. He seemed a man at ease with himself, his topic and his future. He answered many questions on the environment, the cover up by the current administration, current events and his future. He was blunt yet tactfull with all his answers. I think he's playing his cards close to the vest. I think he is waiting to see if the Hillary momentum crumbles, and weather Americans embrace his global warming message. I am starting to hope more and more that he decides to run. See the movie An Inconvenient Truth this weekend.
I Hate America
Time : 6:49 PM
As posted on Drudge today..........
Monday, June 12, 2006
Time : 11:47 AM
Time : 11:47 AM
Shouldn't this be shocking? Shouldn't Congressmen and Senators be on the news? Shouldn't Wolf Blitzer's Situation room have all the red light flashing? Christ people! We have spent a trillion dollars to stop terrorists from killing a few of us, and in the meantime we kill each other. 84,563! Welcome to Death Land!
Some can put it in words
Time : 9:36 AM
Weekend posting
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Time : 10:22 AM
Time : 10:22 AM
Ann Coulter Skankstress from Hell
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Time : 10:30 AM
Time : 10:30 AM
So in her new book she slams widows of 9/11. How low can this nasty piece of crap go? You can see her adams apple in the video... is she really a man? I'll also note that she was on the show in 2005, and wore the same dress.
Al-Zarqawi Dead
Time : 8:03 AM
Equal Protection
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Time : 9:16 AM
Time : 9:16 AM
Thanks to Sumo Merriment for finding this one. In these times of Christ sponsored hate we need perspective.
Sopranos Episode 11
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Time : 10:08 PM
Time : 10:08 PM
Was the 2004 Presidential Election a Fraud?
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Time : 6:07 PM
Time : 6:07 PM
Rolling Stone magazine has a piece written by ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR that categorically states that is exactly what happened. How bad was the fraud? Put it this way... By all accounts Bush shouldn't just be livin' at the ranch 40 percent of the time, but 100 percent. The story is a bit long but well worth the read. You need to check it out and find just how the Whitehouse was stolen.