Left of Center: By Yukkione: Weekend posting
Weekend posting
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Time : 10:22 AM

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. So much has been going on both politicaly and personaly. You have probably noticed that I have been slacking here. No, I'm not loosing interest, or being lazy. I have several things going on. First is my lower back problem... some of you know about this, it has bothered me for years but in the last couple months has become quite unbearable. So, I am getting spinal fusion surgery on the 28th. Hopefully after the surgery I'll be able to sit and work out painfree again. I also have kids home on summer vacation, and have put some effort into a website to showcase my art. Please check that out here. I also seem to spend to much time with friends over at The Blue Republic. After I recover from my surgery I hope to resume posting here as frequently as I once did. Thanks for visiting

posted by Yukkione at 10:22 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for Weekend posting
Heal up quickly. Just remember that laughter can sometimes be the best medicine. So read as much of the NYTimes as possible!
  • Posted at 6:26 PM | By Anonymous Anonymous

Good luck, man! Lemme know how that goes. . I have a similar condition.

i'm keeping good thoughts out for you!

i prefer to read you here by the way. the blue republic is just too cluttered for simple minded me

Well, I like it, and set the comments configuration for what suits me.

If I want to just go to a few blogs, make a comment, and be done- travelling isn't so hard. But if you want to "discuss" I find it gets very tedious if I have to go back around and see what other people said. Many times people respond to my comments and I never even see them, because I just don't have the time.

Its hard enough reading what i want to read the first time. So, for busy people, you can interact on a number of issues in Forums.

is that REALLY you, LOC? seems everyone is posting pictures of their real selves these days. coming out from behind that 'blog curtain.'

that damned jezebel seems pretty photogenic with her psychedelic orange hair! my hair is somewhat orange, but certainly not psychedelic. hmm, kinda like glenda's, but not quite.

anyway, i think i'll remain behind my bloggity shroud for the time being.


PS ... good luck on your back surgery! i just got a new ergonomic chair, the 'freedom chair' by 'humanscale' ... hoping it eases some of my own back pain!
  • Posted at 6:56 AM | By Anonymous Anonymous

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