In 1989 the Exxon oil tanker Valdez, under the command of drunken captain Joesph Hazelwood, ran aground and dumped eleven million gallons of oil into the pristine waters of Prince William sound. The oil spread out over thousands of miles of coastline killing thousands of birds, otters, fish. The local population of Prince William Sound, mostly fisherman, were instantly put out of business. Where fishing could previously make them $100,000 per season, they were now jobless and contending with foreclosures, bankruptcy, and addiction. The courts, citing Exxon's fault in the matter, awarded the people in the town of Cordova 5 billion dollars. Exxon has yet to pay ANY of those damages. Even though in 2005 they made a record 35 Billion dollars. So keep on driving your big SUV gas hogs. Keep supporting a company that fucks Americans, then charges them for the service. Don't demand accountability from any corporation. Don't demand accountability from your elected officials who are partners in crime. Where is Sen Ted Stevens? Oh, he's building bridges to nowhere, and deflecting accusations away from the Bush administration.