Look up Failure in Google
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Time : 6:59 PM
Time : 6:59 PM
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Comments for Look up Failure in Google
It's funny you say that. I was just wondering this evening (like 10 minutes ago) whether we might have another president with Alzheimer's. Seriously.
- Posted at 12:09 AM | By
Baseball fans -- Try googling 'awful announcer' and see what you get! ;)
Love the new format!
- Posted at 8:29 AM | By Motherlode
Thank you Mother, you know my wife is a Texan, and UT grad.
I'm not a basdeball fan. I got disenchanted since my little league days of standing out in left field. lol
I'm not a basdeball fan. I got disenchanted since my little league days of standing out in left field. lol