Great timing. Secretary of State Condoleza Rice is touring the Mid East, and the State Department releases it's Annual Human Rights Report. At the very moment Rice is saying what great guys countries like the UAE are, the report says they are abusing human rights in many ways. Amoung the abuses the UAE is accused of are as follows.
- no citizens' right to change the government and no popularly elected representatives of any kind
- flogging as judicially sanctioned punishment
- arbitrary detention
- incommunicado detention permitted by law
- questionable independence of the judiciary
- restrictions on civil liberties--freedom of speech and of the press, and assembly
- restrictions on right of association, particularly for human rights groups
- restrictions on religious freedom
- domestic abuse of women, sometimes enabled by police
- trafficking in women and children
- legal and societal discrimination against women and non citizens
- corruption and lack of government transparency
- abuse of foreign domestic servants
- restrictions on and abuses of workers' rights.