Build a better mouse trap, and someone will build a better mouse. Or something to that effect. Since Reagan was President the US has been investing billions into complex systems that are designed to shoot down incoming ballistic missiles. So after about 20 years of development we can now sometimes hit a missile mid flight....sometimes. Of course this system doesn't account for the reality of a nuke being smuggled into this country.. say over the porous Mexican border. But military types like to think big, and require big budgets to fill insatiable monetary needs. Enter Russia, President Putin now claims that they have missiles that zig zag as they approach their targets. No nice ballistic arches to calculate for interception. So now if this is true, we now have a paper weight that cost an estimate 200 billion dollars. Imagine how that money could have been used. We could be on a hydrogen economy, we could have all citizens covered by health care. We could clean up the industrial waste that was ignored by the Super Fund. We could have eliminated starvation world wide. What a shame we elect short sighted fools to office, and don't demand of our friends and family that they educate themselves on these kinds of issues.