Left of Center: By Yukkione: Ridiculous blog of the day goes to...
Ridiculous blog of the day goes to...
Monday, January 02, 2006
Time : 2:05 PM

African American Environmentalist Association.
To say that George Bush will go down in history as a top protector of the environment is at the best laughable. These guys might very well be smoking crack. Not physicaly, but you know... metaphoric crack.
Read this

***I amended this post because the guy that wrote the stuff about Bush sent me this.

Thank you for the recognition but be careful slandering us. I assure you we do not smoke crack and I would be happy to take a drug test anytime. In fact, if I were you, I would remove the crack comment. And for the record, Teddy Roosevelt was one of the biggest RACISTS ever to walk the Earth.

posted by Yukkione at 2:05 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Ridiculous blog of the day goes to...
excuse me, WTF ???? ...I need to go throw up...I will try to so in an environmentally way....

Quoting this African American Environmental Assn. "Already a rugged, outdoor cowboy, boot wearing, belt-buckle showing, brush clearing pragmatic environmentalist capable of balancing protection of Mother Nature with economic vitality, this Commander-in-Chief will ultimately be considered an icon for global environmental protection."

Are these guys NUTS? Bush wears boots and a buckle and clears brush and this gives him credentials as an ENVIRONMENTALIST? He's an environmentalist like Charles Manson was a benefactor of mankind.

Thank you for the recognition but be careful slandering us. I assure you we do not smoke crack and I would be happy to take a drug test anytime. In fact, if I were you, I would remove the crack comment. And for the record, Teddy Roosevelt was one of the biggest RACISTS ever to walk the Earth.

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