As reported by the Associated Press, former U.S boss in Iraq requested 500,00 troops but was denied by Donald Rumsfeld. Whitehouse spokespig Scott McClellan says that Bremer was just one voice among many, and that the decision was ultimately up to US commanders. Hmm, What did Bremer know that the Whitehouse refused to admit, or hear. Was he actually one of the few cognitive people on the ground in Iraq? We all know that General Sanchez was just a Whitehouse lackey who found it easy to throw low ranking personnel to the wolves rather than bring forces to bear against the officers and civilians that ordered and condoned torture and miss treatment. So with this new Bremer information we know once more that this administration is incompetent in it's waging of this unnecessary war.
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Brad Shilliday Brad Shilliday Brad Shilliday Brad Shilliday Brad Shilliday