Regarding my letter about the proposed budget.
Dear Mr. " Left of Center" Thank you for contacting me regarding the President's fiscal year 2007 budget request. On February 6, 2006, the President submitted his FY 2007 budget request to Congress. The budget submitted by the President shortchanges hard-working Americans, gives the biggest breaks to only the wealthiest among us, and puts our nation in deeper debt. As the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives begin their discussions and debate, the budget will be carefully scrutinized. To set spending priorities, I firmly believe we must implement sound fiscal policies that will help reduce the $8 trillion debt. Reducing the debt will help prevent inflation and cuts in critical government programs that many Americans rely upon, like Social Security and Medicare. As a member of the Senate Budget Committee, I will work with my colleagues to achieve a budget that reflects the values and priorities of Florida and the nation. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future. Your communication helps me to serve you better in the Senate.
Pictured is Charles Nelson Reilly