Rumsfeld out, Leiberman in?
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Time : 8:49 AM
According to the
Daily, Whitehouse insiders are talking of Rumsfelds departure after Iraqi elections are finished and the government has solidified. "Democrat" Joe Lieberman is apparently slated to take his place. This would go along way in explaining Liebermans Whitehouse ass kissing as of late.
"Lieby is doing a heck of a job!"
Wouldn't this just end his political career? Maybe it's a last step towards lobbying or thinktankery, but I don't think Joementum will be any more popular with the Repubs them the Dems.
'Course the Bush machine would owe him big for the political cover.
On the bright side though, you could get a real democrat in that Senate seat.